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Identifying Your Dominant Values

In this questionnaire you are to ask yourself: "What values are important to ME as guiding principles in MY life, and what values are less important to me?" There are two lists of values in this self-assessment. These values come from different cultures. In the parentheses following each value is an explanation that may help you to understand its meaning.
      Your task is to rate how important each value is for you as a guiding principle in your life. Use the rating scale below:

The higher the number (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), the more important the value is as a guiding principle in YOUR life.

For each value, select the number (-1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) that indicates the importance of that value for you, personally. Try to distinguish as much as possible between the values by using all the numbers. You will, of course, need to use numbers more than once.

Before you begin, read the values in List I, choose the one that is most important to you and rate its importance. Next, choose the value that is most opposed to your values and rate it -1. If there is no such value, choose the value least important to you and rate it 0 or 1, according to its importance. Then rate the rest of the values in List I.

Values List I

EQUALITY (equal opportunity for all)

INNER HARMONY (at peace with myself)

SOCIAL POWER (control over others, dominance)

PLEASURE (gratification of desires)

FREEDOM (freedom of action and thought)

A SPIRITUAL LIFE (emphasis on spiritual not material matters)

SENSE OF BELONGING (feeling that others care about me)

SOCIAL ORDER (stability of society)

AN EXCITING LIFE (stimulating experiences)

MEANING IN LIFE (a purpose in life)

POLITENESS (courtesy, good manners)

WEALTH (material possessions, money)

NATIONAL SECURITY (protection of my nation from enemies)

SELF RESPECT (belief in one's own worth)

RECIPROCATION OF FAVORS (avoidance of indebtedness)

CREATIVITY (uniqueness, imagination)

A WORLD AT PEACE (free of war and conflict)

RESPECT FOR TRADITION (preservation of time-honored customs)

MATURE LOVE (deep emotional & spiritual intimacy)

SELF-DISCIPLINE (self-restraint, resistance to temptation)

PRIVACY (the right to have a private sphere)

FAMILY SECURITY (safety for loved ones)

SOCIAL RECOGNITION (respect, approval by others)

UNITY WITH NATURE (fitting into nature)

A VARIED LIFE (filled with challenge, novelty and change)

WISDOM (a mature understanding of life)

AUTHORITY (the right to lead or command)

TRUE FRIENDSHIP (close, supportive friends)

A WORLD OF BEAUTY (beauty of nature and the arts)

SOCIAL JUSTICE (correcting injustice, care for the weak)

Values List II
Now rate how important each of the following values is for you as a guiding principle in YOUR life. These values are phrased as ways of acting that may be more or less important for you. Once again, try to distinguish as much as possible between the values by using all the numbers.Before you begin, read the values in List II, choose the one that is most important to you and rate its importance. Next, choose the value that is most opposed to your values, or--if there is no such value--choose the value least important to you, and rate it -1, 0, or 1, according to its importance. Then rate the rest of the values.

INDEPENDENT (self-reliant, self-sufficient)

MODERATE (avoiding extremes of feeling & action)

LOYAL (faithful to my friends, group)

AMBITIOUS (hard-working, aspiring)

BROADMINDED (tolerant of different ideas and beliefs)

HUMBLE (modest, self-effacing)

DARING (seeking adventure, risk)


INFLUENTIAL (having an impact on people and events)


CHOOSING OWN GOALS (selecting own purposes)

HEALTHY (not being sick physically or mentally)

CAPABLE (competent, effective, efficient)

ACCEPTING MY PORTION IN LIFE (submitting to life's circumstances)

HONEST (genuine, sincere)

PRESERVING MY PUBLIC IMAGE (protecting my "face")

OBEDIENT (dutiful, meeting obligations)

INTELLIGENT (logical, thinking)

HELPFUL (working for the welfare of others)

ENJOYING LIFE (enjoying food, sex, leisure, etc.)

DEVOUT (holding to religious faith & belief)

RESPONSIBLE (dependable, reliable)

CURIOUS (interested in everything, exploring)

FORGIVING (willing to pardon others)

SUCCESSFUL (achieving goals)

CLEAN (neat, tidy)

SELF-INDULGENT (doing pleasant things)

OBSERVING SOCIAL NORMS (to maintain face)

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